Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Official!!

Yup, I now have my own little corner on the internet. But now what to post on this blog? I always thought there should have been another movie bringing the movie Battle for the Planet of the Apes up to the time of the first movie, so maybe I will post the unofficial story about how I think it should have gone. Or maybe I will instead explain how to solve the Mideast problems... Oh, which should I write about first? Decisions, decisions. I have to make this fast tonight; the old laptop is acting up again, for some reason severing my isp connection. I can get more work done in the library, on the pc there.


  1. Don't take it so hard on Al Gore! I think he is right on Global Warming. Why even mention what he do with his personal life at home?
    Mind your own business. Think intelligently DRK. Al Gore's using the aircon (I am prety sure he is hot in this weather,are you not? If you can afford to put on your aircon in your car or at home won't you? Some people are just blessed.
